Monday, October 18, 2010

A Little Bit About Myself

A graduate from Purdue University I am a proud alum, who hope the football team will once finally win a worthy bowl. I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Film and Video Studies and minored in Communications.

I currently reside in Chicago and hope to find a job soon that doesn't involve getting yelled at for someone's coffee taking too long or the drive through is taking forever.  I won't say the company name, but I'm sure you can take a guess at which name rests on my green apron. I hope to make educational films and be the first female version of Jerry Bruckheimer or the CEO of Disney, whichever comes first. Hopefully a dream will become a reality. A very smart man once said, "If you can dream it, you can do it."

I'm a huge sports fan, baseball topping my list. Followed by football. If your going to ask which team, I will say one word...
I'm from Chicago. Take a guess. If it's the '85 team your thinking of you have football down and if there is a cute little bear next you have baseball down. The Bears and Cubs are the face of Chicago and the names I proudly wear.

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