Monday, October 18, 2010

Sicut Est

   I'll start with "Sicut Est." It means "Like It Is." Simple and to the point; with a little bit of class (how can you not sound smart when it's in Latin?). I say it like it is and I won't apologize for that. Although most of the time the things I say get me in trouble. However, I've learned that if I don't say what I want, it comes out eventually. Might as well say it earlier than later.
   That completely went on a tangent (this is how I spelled it originally "tanjent" I would voluntarily vote myself one of the worst spellers in the country. Thank goodness I didn't get a degree in English or that could be embarrassing). Through my humiliation is spelling every time I misspell a word I'm going to highlight it for your amusement. We can play a game each week and you can guess how many mistakes I've made each week.

  There's another good question that you might have, "Why would you start a blog?" Well it all started while following my good friend Abby's blog http://abgab.blogspot.comCheck her out and follow her! Tell her I sent you (just kidding, but you should seriously follow her). Same sense of humor as yours truly, but way more mature!

Every week I hope to bring you the  top 10 in the box office. This week the top 10 in the box office are....
  1. Jackass 3D
  2. Red
  3. The Social Network
  4. Secretariat
  5. Life As We Know It
  6. Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole
  7. The Town 
  8. My Soul to Take
  9. Easy A
  10. Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps
This video is preview for Jackass 3D and is curtousey of and is available on iTunes

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