Sunday, October 24, 2010

Styx: in concert, Short people vs. tall people

Saturday night I ventured out with my mother and Aunt for a nice night of dinner and a concert. Styx played at the Genesee Theatre in Waukegan, IL. I'm generally very neutral when it comes to going to concerts, I neither get depressed nor excited about the opportunity. The only exception would be going to a Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons concert or Jimmy Buffet. Whose not a Parrothead?

The theater is a fairly small theater, but it's very content. The night started out fine and progressed nicely. Then 7:30 rolled around, when the concert was due to start. And it didn't. Then 7:45 and then a little after 8 the lights dimmed. It turned out to be one of the best entrances of a band I've ever seen. I would recommend anyone to go see them. They still have their voices and the hair!

There was just one more thing I had a problem with... two tall people. Someone said to me that tall people should be self-concious about their height. Not in the way that they should be ashamed to be tall, but in the wall that I'M SHORT! These guys had to be easily almost 7 feet. I wish I was kidding, but I'm not. I'm 5'2 on a good day. I can barely see over my dashboard. Yes, surprise, a Toyota Corolla doesn't give you much height. If you think I'm kidding about their height, I have pictures! You decide!

(p.s. This is shot from a standing position)

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